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By GRK Ads, Bhoomi Garden Centre's Online Presence Was Transformed: An E-commerce SEO Success Story

Bhoomi Garden Centre, an e-commerce platform specialising in the sale of horticulture supplies and plants, encountered difficulties in establishing its visibility in the metropolis of Bangalore, where digital marketing agencies are abundant. In response to declining sales and diminished online visibility, the client sought assistance from GRK Ads, a well-established digital marketing agency based in Bangalore. With limited financial resources, GRK Ads undertook the endeavor of revitalizing the online presence of Bhoomi Garden Centre via a focused search engine optimization campaign.

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Client Background: Bhoomi Garden Centere

The main obstacle faced by Bhoomi Garden Centre was its inadequate online presence, which led to restricted organic traffic and stagnant sales figures. However, the client's financial limitations prevented them from allocating resources towards costly marketing strategies. In response to these obstacles, GRK Ads suggested implementing a targeted SEO campaign.

​The Resolution:

GRK Ads, leveraging their proficiency in search engine optimization, formulated an economically viable approach to enhance the digital prominence of Bhoomi Garden Centre. They identified the most pertinent search terms for the client's niche through extensive keyword research. 

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The outcomes of the SEO campaign conducted by GRK Ads on behalf of Bhoomi Garden Centre were exceptionally impressive. From August to October, in just three months, they implemented the subsequent enhancements:


  • August: 113,000 Impressions; October: 156,000 Increase in percentage: (156,000 - 113,000) / 113,000 * 100% = 37.17%

  • August: 1,190; October: 2,020 clicks

  • Increase in percentage: (2,020 minus 1,190) divided by 1,190 multiplied by 100% equals 70.08%

  • 124% of Products Sold During the Month of October Sales Growth: [(124 - 0) / 0] * 100 percent (as no sales occurred in August)

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By executing an SEO campaign within the allocated budget, GRK Ads effectively revolutionized the online presence and sales of Bhoomi Garden Centre.


The considerable surge in sales and the remarkable percentage increase in impressions and clicks serve as compelling evidence of the efficacy of strategic SEO.


Through the strategic implementation of meta and header tag optimization and the strategic targeting of pertinent keywords, GRK Ads effectively enhanced the visibility of an ecommerce website and stimulated its expansion, ultimately transforming Bhoomi Garden Centre into a flourishing digital haven.

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"The amount of efficiency we’ve been able to wring from the GRK Ads PPC channel in the face of a super competitive landscape has been nothing short of phenomenal"

- Abdul Ghani


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"We had very aggressive goals around visitor engagement for our new website. I’m happy to
say that with the help of GRK Ads, we have surpassed virtually all of our goals. Our new website Developed GRK Ads correctly positions as the market leader and enables us to grow much more seamlessly in the upcoming years"

- Sudarshan Hegde

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Bhoomi Garden Centre

"We were shown promising new ways to market our product as well as identifying new market potential and network expansion. We are very pleased with our partnership"

- Mohan 


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