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6 Digital Marketing Checklist for Businesses for post-COVID 19 Era

Updated: Jun 6, 2020

COVID-19 Coronavirus has almost halted the economy of many countries causing a decline in profits for business and eventually leading to Layoffs. The respite is, humans, are forced to go digital during lockdown & “Digital Life” is the new normal. Consequently, businesses planning to shift focus on digital marketing but getting back the loyal customers and new customers remain challenging.

Hence down goes the 6 Digital Marketing Checklists for Businesses post-COVID-19 Era:

Time to Go Digital: 

Many essential service sectors like Health, Medicine & Education have gone digital, live consultation through mobile apps and websites are the new ways to consult doctors on the other hand E-learning has taken the education industry by storm as most of the companies reported high growth during the lockdown. The fitness industry has also witnessed a digital revolution as many big names in the industry hit digital platforms to connect with their members. So ask yourself, what is your business? How can u go digital? 

Time to appear on Google:

Is Google just a search engine? no, it's more than that, it is your assistant ask it anything it will answer you. When most of the human population is dependent on google for information, make sure google pics you when assisting your customer. Growth of small businesses like retail stores, clinics or gyms is limited to certain neighborhoods, hence missing out on google maps can cost a lot of business. 

Is your website SEO optimized? try local SEO too.

Get the Reviews:

Would you consider watching a movie without checking reviews? The answer is definitely no! In the digital space, reviews are your reputation, which adds great value to your brand & eventually influences your customers in considering products or services. From small businesses to big names are now going to focus on online reputation management, as in the digital world, quality and reputation can change the fate of any business. 

Invest in PPC:

SEO is the best way to appear on Google’s Engine Result Page (SERP) but the complete process is time-consuming and changes in algorithms of google can bring down your website’s ranking. So Pay Per Click (PPC) is here to advertise your website on Google's SERP through Google Ads ( Previously Known as Adwords). Basically, Google charges for every click on SERP not for displaying your website, since competition is high in PPC, it takes an expert to handle it, as the process involves complicated steps like grouping the keywords, writing an ad copy, preparing a google friendly landing page and ETC. 

Show Your Expertise:

If a local restaurant introduces new cuisine and shares it on digital platforms, arent u influenced to try it out? How about a dentist who shares tips on maintaining a healthy jaw? Isn't he in your consideration? Yes the more you share the more you grow & with proper content and creatives, reach for your knowledge is unlimited in the digital world. What is your expertise? can u share it online? 

Social Media:

Social media has already revolutionized the way we lived, now it is going to take a leap post covid19. as it is a solid platform for businesses to reach out for new customers & loyal customers. Social media platforms play a crucial role in online reputation and building a brand identity as everything remains transparent. During the lockdown, many fitness trainers chose Instagram live to train their followers and authors used it to interact with readers. How can you connect with your customers and community through social media? Give it a try!

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